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Router Module defines the API endpoints for trace data.

API Endpoints

GET /eval-track/health

Health check endpoint.

Response: - 200 OK: When the service is operating normally - Response body: "OK"

GET /eval-track/traces

Endpoint for retrieving trace data.

Response: - 200 OK: When trace data is successfully retrieved - Response body: {"message": "Logs endpoint"}

PUT /eval-track/traces/{trace_id}

Endpoint for storing trace data.

Path Parameters: - trace_id (str): Unique identifier for the trace

Request Body: - data (dict): Trace data to store

Response: - 204 No Content: When trace data is successfully stored - Response body: None


Each endpoint outputs the following logs:

  • Health check: "Health check endpoint called"
  • Trace retrieval: "Logs retrieval endpoint called"
  • Trace storage: "Received logs with traceId: {trace_id}"


  • Router prefix is set to /eval-track
  • Logging is configured using NullHandler